Polygon Pirate Island

This is a VR project with assets from the Polygon Pirate Pack by Synty Studio (https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/slug/polygon-pirate-pack).

The menu level shows an avatar that the player can move with the headset and the motion controllers. It uses the same mirror object from a previous project; I added some buttons to change the clothes of the character and then start or quit the game. The buttons are activated through a Linetrace component Blueprint.

I was thinking about using the avatar in the game level, but I tried it and found it quite uncomfortable, so I ended up just deactivating the mesh last minute.

In the game level, the player pawn uses a teleport component with a TraceChannel and a tag to recognize the floor. It is the same player pawn from the menu level, it has a condition that blocks the teleport when in the menu level. I also used some blocking volumes in the scene to avoid the player entering buildings.

The player's health increments over time if the player's not hit by the NPCs or when an enemy is killed. It can grab and drop swords actors and use them to slay the NPCs. The game is won through a minimum number of kills. Winning or dying events simply activate a particle effect, a TextRender ("YOU WIN" or "YOU SO DEAD LOL") and a delay before going back to the main menu.

In the game level I used a single actor that spawns a fixed number of enemies that increases over time in random locations chosen in an array of Nav meshes. It spawns a random skeletal mesh among 5 possibles with random materials, although they share the same skeleton and behaviour.

I programmed the AI for the NPCs only through Blueprints. I kind of regret not using a Behaviour tree but I'm not unhappy with the result. The enemies have a patrol behaviour and they attack the player pawn with a slap animation only when they overlap with the player.