Baby steps and a bronze badge
Today I got PCEP certified! I'm very happy to read "Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer" on the badge because it makes me feel much closer to my goals.
The colour bronze really makes me feel motivated to go for the Associate level so I can get the silver badge. I almost want to call the designer and tell them that their colour choice really works for me.
Youracclaim link to my verified badge
The online course provided by the Python Institute (link here) is almost perfect, it provides you with almost everything you need for the actual exam. Some good old Google search doesn't hurt, but it was very few things for me. For instance, I needed to look up decimal to binary conversion and bitwise operators, but I feel comfortable now with what I learnt.
The quiz and test questions are quite similar to question exams: they show you the kind of knowledge and thinking process you need in order to pass. If you can "survive" the module tests and the final test, you can answer all the exam questions with some time to spare (it's 30 questions in 45 minutes).
Looking forward to new projects now!